About me
Hello! I am Zehan yang, a Ph.D. in Statistics graduated from
University of Connecticut.
My research interests are Survival Analysis, Optimal
Subsampling and Statistical Computing. I have been working on the
optimal subsampling method for big survival data based on parametric
and semi-parametric accelerated failure time model for three years.
Besides my own research, I was a research assistant in
Department of Public Health Sciences
in the University of Connecticut, Health
Center from Septemper, 2021 to December, 2023.
I have finished multiple consulting projects for medical researchers and medical doctors.
- Yang, Z., H. Wang, and J. Yan (2022). Optimal Subsampling for Parametric Accelerated Failure Time Models with
Massive Survival Data. Statistics in Medicine, 41(27), 5421–5431.
- Yang, Z., H. Wang, and J. Yan (2024). Subsampling Approach for Least Squares Fitting of Semi-parametric
Accelerated Failure time Models to Massive Survival Data.
Statistics and Computing, 34(2), 77.
- Yang, Z., H. Wang, and J. Yan (2024). Optimal Subsampling for Semi-parametric Accelerated Failure Time Models with
Massive Survival Data Using a Rank-based Approach.
Statistics in Medicine, Published Online.
Optimal Subsampling for Parametric Accelerated Failure Time Models with Massive Survival Data.
2022 Joint Statistical Meetings , Washington D.C., August 6 - August 11, 2022.
Subsampling Approach for Least Squares Fitting of Semi-parametric Accelerated Failure
Time Models to Massive Survival Data. 2023 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, June 11 – June 14, 2023.
Honors and Awards
Project in Progress
- Impact of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy on A1C Levels in Patients with Prediabetes.
- Relationship between Religious Affiliation and Burnout Among National Health Service (NHS) Staff in Britain: Findings from Staff Surveys.
- Proficient in R and in using the interface between R and C/C++.
- Clean and analyze medical data using SAS. I have passed the SAS Base Programming Exam in 2019.
- Familar with Parllel computing in R using High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster.
- Basic librarys for Python: NumPy and Pandas.
- I love learning programming languages and emerging technologies.